Just Be

(Farrauto) Derrick Star 1993

Verse 1:
The days are passing like
Clouds rolling by
Moving fast, and yet so slow
And it feels like you are just biding time

Verse 2:
Feeling restless
So ready for change
But you don’t know where to begin
There’s a voice that whispers
Deep in your heart
You can’t change the outside
Till you change within

When it seems like you have reached
The end of the road
And yet it seems like you have
So much further to go...

(Alternate w/each CHORUS:)

¹Until you find the answer that holds the key
²Until you find the answer that helps you see
³Until you find the answer that sets you free

...Just be

Verse 3:
The spirit’s willing
But the flesh is so weak
Like a tug of war upon your heart
There’s so many choices
You get confused
But you won’t reach the end
If you don’t even start

(Repeat CHORUS)

Tell me, what do you see
When you look into the mirror
Do you see the face of a boy or a man?
It won’t be easy with the truth becoming clearer
But you’ve got to let go of what you can
To move on

(Repeat CHORUS)

Oh, just be
Oh, be...

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9:37 AM 10/10/2015